Sunday morning worship is a time when we gather as a community in Christ to be reminded of God’s promises and experience God’s healing grace poured out for all of God’s creation. We confess that we are broken people, caught up in broken systems that hurt one another and neglect God’s creation, and yet we are also reminded of God’s forgiveness; we are reminded that we don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love – God’s grace is freely showered on us because of Jesus Christ’s faithfulness – this is the Good News of the Gospel. We hear scripture readings from the Bible and a message from the Pastor that reminds us God’s promises are for us too and we experience Christ in the bread and wine. Freed by the healing, liberating grace of the Gospel, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are then sent to continue the worship in our everyday lives, serving God and serving our neighbours.
We are a liturgical church and our worship services follow the traditional forms of Lutheran worship (Gathering; Word; Meal; Sending) and the seasons of the church year common to many Christians (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany/Time after Epiphany, Lent, Easter/Sundays of Easter, Pentecost/Time after Pentecost).
Worship services are posted Sunday mornings on the front page of our website, All are welcome to share in our worship.
Sunday services are broadcast on youtube. Contact the office for details.