
Christian Education

Bible Study:

Our community values learning and growing in our faith. We have regular Bible studies both in person and over Zoom- contact the office for details. During worship, we engage scripture thoughtfully during the sermons and on the First Sundays we have intergenerational learning opportunities.  Through communications, we invite our community to participate in learning events at our neighboring churches and with our partners such as the BC Synod, the ELCIC, the Anglican Church of Canada, and friends such as the Vancouver School of Theology.

Vancouver School of Theology Events Page

The Vancouver School of Theology is a college within the University of British Columbia whose theological and social perspectives align with those of Redeemer Lutheran Church. Members from Redeemer often attend lectures given at the VST, and professors and lecturers from VST have been welcomed guests at Redeemer.

The Vancouver School of Theology has a web page listing upcoming lectures and events, and we encourage all to visit it, by way of finding paths toward a better understanding of religious matters.